Please note...

Please note that you will need to be logged into the website to see the booking page. 
If you don't have an account you can create one here

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Thank you to everyone for creating a wonderful space for all! 

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I had an amazing time at queer spirit. Would definitely return! 

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There is not a moment I would not was such a wonderful time... thank you all

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Thank you to everyone for creating a wonderful space for all! 

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I had an amazing time at queer spirit. Would definitely return! 

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There is not a moment I would not was such a wonderful time... thank you all

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Thank you to everyone for creating a wonderful space for all! 

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I had an amazing time at queer spirit. Would definitely return! 

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There is not a moment I would not was such a wonderful time... thank you all

Booking Terms & Conditions for
"Queer Spirit Camp 2025" 

Your purchase of one or more passes implies that you have read and agree to all the terms and conditions given here and in any of the linked pages (such as those relating to crew places, payment plans etc. All terms and conditions regarding passes fall under the jurisdiction of UK law and by purchasing one or more passes you are entering a legally binding contract.

Passes, Wristbands & Refunds

You must be aged 18 or over on 15th August 2025 to buy a pass(es) independently. Under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible person of 18 or over. Children aged under 6 on 15th August 2025 will be admitted free, but must have a pass. It is your responsibility to check that you have the correct pass(es). Please do not bring more dependants than you can easily be responsible for personally throughout the festival.

Camper vans or other type of live in vehicles will not be allowed on site unless you have pre-registered them by indicating this on the registration form. Caravans are not allowed unless we have agreed this with you before the event.

When you book, we will send you an email confirmation which will contain an e-pass in PDF format which you should aim to bring to the camp, either by printing or by display on a smart phone or other device. At the gate your pass will be checked and, if wristbands are being used at the event, each person will be issued with one. Wristbands may be checked at any time during the event. Please try to keep your wristband accessible. Anyone without a wristband, or wearing a wristband that has been tampered with, may be ejected. Broken wristbands may be replaced with proof of purchase at the site office but we may not be able to replace lost wristbands.

If you have booked but are then no longer able to attend the event, please contact us by email or via the website as soon as you know. Provided you contact us at least 60 days before the event, we will offer you a full refund minus a 5% administration charge. If you cancel between 30-59 days before the event, we will refund 50% of what you paid. In all other cases, including but not limited to money already paid for as part of a payment plan, we will not be able to offer you any refund once you have made the booking (as we will have already made commitments and paid funds to the venue, crew etc.) If we have to cancel the event, we will aim to give you at least two months' notice and we will return your booking fee in full.


We need to have received and processed your payment in full before your place at the camp is fully confirmed. If paying by card using the on-line booking system, this usually happens within 30 minutes. If there are any issues with your payment, we will attempt to contact you (usually within 2 working days) to let you know and to help you complete your transaction. If you are paying by other means (bank transfer etc) we will generally confirm by email when the transaction has cleared and your booking is valid. Queer Spirit is not VAT registered.

Attendance & conduct

By signing up you are committing to attend the camp - if you do not attend or if you leave early we will not be able to offer you any discount or refund on the ticket price.

Parents/carers or guardians are responsible for their children at all times.

During the camp there will be a mixture of topics and it is your responsibility to ensure you fully understand the overall content of any workshop or ritual you are attending and what interaction / connection there will be between you and other participants. If you have any questions or uncertainties, you should talk to the facilitator.

Any form of aggressive, inappropriate, threatening or non-consensual behaviour towards facilitators, staff, crew, volunteers, traders, entertainers or other participants will not be tolerated. Any such behaviour will be addressed and if not rectified immediately will result in you being asked to leave. You may also be turned away from future events.

In the camping areas you agree to keep sound to levels that are respectful to others. Please aim not to bring personal sound systems (mp3 players etc.) to the camp (there will be lots of live music going on!) If you do wish to bring a personal music player etc please ensure it is one that can only be heard by you. We ask you to respect any official that asks you to be quieter in the area you are in. If we feel you are continuing to make excessive noise, we reserve the right to confiscate for the duration of the festival any sound systems or instruments that we feel are or are likely to operate at excessive volume.  Drumming is not allowed anywhere on site after 10pm.

You agree to camp only in the designated areas on site.

Nudity is allowed in all areas of the Queer Spirit camp area, but not in the rest of the grounds owned by Bridwell Park. Please be sensitive to the reactions of young people or those not used to clothing optional spaces.

Dogs are allowed on site but must be kept on a lead at all times.

Smoking is not allowed inside any enclosed structures including temporary structures such as tents, marquees etc.

No unauthorised trading will be allowed on site. 

The Queer Spirit camp aims to be a fun, inclusive LGBTQI+ event and in general we will only exclude people if they breach the terms and conditions or they fail to comply with the event ethos (, however we reserve the right to exclude or to remove anyone from the camp, without necessarily stating the reasons for doing so.

Arrival time and access to the site

Public access to the site will be available from midday on Friday 15th August 2025. Please note that the community café will not be open untill the evening on the Friday, however the Bridwell park café will be open from midday.

Vehicles (other than emergency vehicles) may not enter the site between the hours of 10pm to 10am during the event. 

Information and emails

Before the camp we will send one or more messages to the email address you originally registered with and it is important that you read these before attending. You may wish to add the email addresses and to your email system white list / filter to stop the email going into your spam / junk folders.
During the event, we will make every attempt to clearly post information about all events taking place during the festival so you have plenty of opportunity to find out what is involved before taking part.


You are responsible for your own physical, mental, emotional and sexual well-being and safety during the event. This includes notifying us at registration of any conditions that may impact on others or your safe participation. Although we aim to create safe and supportive spaces in all parts of the event, no direct liability can be accepted by us for your well-being and safety. We will always try to ensure during the event that there is a support mechanism for you to use with your physical, emotional and sexual well-being, however the primary responsibility of self-care is yours. If you have a support person / carer in your day to day life, we would strongly recommend that you consider them coming with you to the festival. If you are attending the event with anyone under 18 years of age, you also accept full responsibility for their well-being and safety at the festival.

You are not allowed to create open fires anywhere on site. Barbecues that have long legs to keep them off the ground are allowed providing you ensure that they do not scorch the grass.  It is your responsibility to bring suitable means to extinguish your barbecue such as a small fire extinguisher.   Please note that disposable barbecues are not allowed. Fire pits may not be used in the main camping areas.

Gas camping appliances may only be used according to safety instructions and in the open air, or in properly fitted camper-van/caravan (gas cookers and barbecues can emit carbon monoxide - you cannot see or smell it but it is a deadly gas and so you need to be using in conjunction with a correctly fitted chimney.)

Refuelling and changing of gas cylinders must be done outside. Please do not bring large gas cylinders (over 3kg) on site without prior agreement.

Sauna / Hot Tub - If a sauna is on site, you agree to read and follow all displayed health and safety information before using these facilities. You agree that use of the sauna and hot tub is at your own risk. We ask that everyone uses a towel to sit on.

Parkland Deer

The festival venue has a herd of Parkland Deer which roam freely all year round within designated areas of the Park. The deer must never be approached by any persons coming to the festival for any event whatsoever. Whilst the Deer are a very beautiful and prominent feature of the venues landscape, they should always be considered a wild and dangerous species who would not hesitate to act vigorously and aggressively to protect their calves or themselves. If provoked, a Deer could seriously harm if not kill a dog, another animal or human being.


Queer Spirit supports sustainability, respect for the land and respect for other people and their beliefs. We encourage you to find ways to share your travel and to find ways to offset any carbon emissions involved in your travel.

  • Please use recycling points provided and take your rubbish home with you if possible. Remember, putting something into a bin does not make it disappear! Please do not drop cigarette butts on the ground as this can cause serious harm to animals – there are deer roaming freely in this venue. Please put them in a fire or a bag or jar that you can dispose off when you leave the site.

  • Please ensure all toiletries you bring to the site are eco-friendly - the toilets and hand basins on site will have liquid hand soap available.

  • Please aim to avoid the use of wet-wipes; if you need to use them, bring only biodegradable wipes.

  • Please respect the site boundaries. Event particpants may not enter private property on or in the vicinity of the site.


You are responsible for taking home everything you brought with you to the event and for taking home or recycling any litter / rubbish. If you find you have left something behind, please contact us as soon as possible. We will endeavour to keep lost property where practicable for about two weeks after an event before donating to charity or recycling it.

Other than authorised and controlled by the organisers, no generators (petrol, diesel, bio-diesel), laser devices, fireworks, airborne lanterns (Chinese lanterns etc) or drones are permitted on site.

Ticket holders may bring alcohol on site for their personal consumption.

The site owners and Queer Spirit cannot accept any responsibility for your personal property so please do take care of your own belongings and give consideration to what you bring with you.


All information you give when booking for the event is used as part of the process necessary for the booking. You are automatically subscribed to the relevant mail list(s) on so you will receive items of email that are relevant to the event as well as other information that we feel may be of interest to you. You can modify your subscription or select to unsubscribe at any time. All information you give us is held according to UK data protection guidelines but we cannot offer any legal warranty that your information is secure. You can read our privacy policy here.

We will not let anyone know you attended and expect the same conduct of all people who attend the event. We respect the privacy and confidentiality of all who attend the event and expect all participants to also follow this with respect to everyone involved with the event.

Photography / video

Please always obtain consent before taking any photographs / videos of individuals or groups.

No photographs / videos are to be taken in workshop spaces without express permission of the workshop facilitator.

No photography / videos to be taken during rituals.

We may take some official photographs / film for publicity purposes and when we do so we will always aim to make it clear we are doing this. You have the right to request any images that you are identifiable in be cropped or modified to remove you from the image. If that is not possible we agree to delete those images.

No unauthorised use of recording equipment for professional or profit-making purposes will be allowed anywhere on site.

Stables accommodation

Additional T&Cs - Queer Spirit Stables accommodation

Crew Places

We are offering places for people who wish to work a set number of hours in return for a reduced or free payment to attend the event. The crew of any event plays a key role in helping ensure the event runs smoothly and so we ask you to agree to the guidelines for crew (there may be specific guidelines for each type of crew member). These are in addition to the terms given here.

You may be asked to pay a small deposit to reserve your place as a member of the crew. This will be returned to after you have completed the agreed number of shifts in your role. It will be retained by ourselves if you fail to attend the event without letting us know at least a month prior to the event (to ensure we can find someone to replace you), or you attend but fail to complete the agreed number of shifts/hours determined by your role.

Trader Places

Standard tickets are for personal use only, and not for any form of commercial activity. 

Complaints and disputes

We hope that your interaction with us will not cause you any issues or problems but we recognise that there may be times when something goes wrong. If you wish to register a complaint or a dispute with us, contact us by email in the first instance at Any problems or concerns that are brought to our attention will be formally recorded and we will aim to respond as soon as possible, normally within five working days. If the investigation of the complaint is likely to take longer than five days, we will contact you to let you know the proposed timescales and next steps.

Thank you for reading through the Terms & Conditions and we wish you an amazing event.



This website is owned and operated by Queer Spirit Festival CIC, a not for profit organisation trading in the UK
- Queer Spirit, Flat 2 306 South Lambeth Road, London, SW8 1UQ