Creating an account

Name  is what other users of the website see for your posts and activity etc.   It can contain spaces e.g  'John Smith'

Username  is only seen by you and is just used for login.

Email  A valid email as you will need to verify your account using the link in the email that will be sent to you before you can log in.

Password  must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one number, one uppercase letter and one lowercase letter.  

Terms of service

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Thank you to everyone for creating a wonderful space for all! 

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I had an amazing time at queer spirit. Would definitely return! 

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There is not a moment I would not was such a wonderful time... thank you all

Please note that the Queer Spirit terms of service for our online community have been updated today. The main modification is to reflect the change... Show more

QS Online community - Terms of service

Queer Spirit is the synergy formed by bringing together many views, experiences, beliefs, philosophies and ways of being that have queerness, community and spirituality at…

For those interested, the QS website runs on Joomla 5. If anyone is familiar with that and is interested in development/maintenance, please do get...

Please feel free to start discussions around any topics relating to the QS Camp!

Buzzy posted a new discussion21/03/2025

Techy stuff

For discussions around all things technical, relating to both things like the website, booking system etc and also tech at events such as lighting...

Community Camp
Rex and 7 others have joined the group Community Camp 21/03/2025
Chris Brady has liked a Discussion 02/03/2025

Really delighted to anticipate this camp and looking forward to sharing space with you all soon.

Hi Queer Spirit- I've re registered but after that it says the link you sent to my email is invalid. How do I buy my ticket please?

Buzzy Hello there. You should be able to see the 'Camp' menu now you are logged in. You can book from there. 4 weeks ago
Buzzy (you don't need to re-register if you already had a login)
4 weeks ago

Looking fwd to community camp!

Alys Einion Me too!!!! 4 weeks ago

Community menu