Al Head [Founder]
I am a queer, genderqueer human. I am a pagan and an energy-worker. I have been leading rituals and running pagan workshops for over 30 years. Currently I lead 'This Land Sex Magic' and other energy-related workshops. I have been an lgbt activist and organiser since the early 1980s and am also a peace, environmental and inclusion activist. I am the author of 'Queer Deity, Sacred Slut'
In all my work my emphasis is on humans reconnecting with the land and ending/healing the destruction that we have inflicted on it, and upon ourselves, through our disconnection.
I have been involved in 'camps' and festivals since 1990. I was a main organiser in 'Spiral Womens Camps' and have been part of organising 'Queer Pagan Camps'(QPC) since 2002 and 'Albion Faerie' gatherings for the last few years. I coordinated Site Crew at QPC for 2 years running. I have worked at many festivals: performing, working in children's areas and working in the Queer Dome, a space for lgbtq people. I have worked at the Accessible Camping Area at Glastonbury Festival, and have coordinated the Accessible Camping Space at the Green Gathering. I've been Access Coordinator at QPC and other spaces, including Re-evaluation Counselling (RC) events. I'm a certified RC teacher.
I am a performer in static trapeze, physical theatre, music and Fooling. In 2011 I created and performed in a solo show, 'Are You Talking To Me'. I teach theatre and static trapeze and have produced community circus shows of up to 60 (mainly young) people. In 2006 and 2007 I produced and performed in cabaret-type shows, 'Tarquin's Closet' and 'Further Tales From The Closet' for 'QUIP' (QUeers Into Performance) in Plymouth. I've also produced and compared cabarets at other events, including QPC and Quintasensual Festival in 2015. I've been involved in many other 'not-for-profit' organisations and have been treasurer of two.
Alexis is a queer mixed-heritage human living in east London.
She has a passion for supporting people to heal themselves, especially those from marginalised communities, through multidimensional practices, bringing the body and the mind into alignment.
She runs an online community space called Healing Myself.
Apollo [Crafting]
I’m bringing sewing to queer spirit. I started sewing because I couldn’t do furniture making in my flat and tried sewing instead.
I enjoy the challenges of making the 2D into 3D.
There will be a workshop on how to use your Granny’s old singer, and how to make a simple garment (shorts) from a pattern and teddy making demo.
Blossom [Performance]
Heading up the Performance Team, and a veteran of every QSF, Blossom is a singer and songwriter (muggle name Marc Block), with Queer folk songs and generally pleasing vibes
Website: marcblock.co.uk
Cnayl [Technical]
I believe the energies and sounds that music and lighting bring are an incredibly healing and magical thing that really shine out at festivals. I really enjoy helping bring that magic to every Queer Spirit festival, with lights, lasers and sound systems.
I also keep the website updated and running and look after the Sanctity of Sound streaming radio service.
In 2013 I founded the Quintasensual festival of queer/inclusive spirituality, sexuality and tantra, creating a special place where gays, bisexuals, straights, cross dressers, trans and more all mix in a safe and heart centred space. In 2015 I was honoured to be nominated for a Sexual freedom award for my work around the festival.
Kate [Performance]
Kate first came to Queer Spirit in 2019 with her big red van The Errant Stage offering intimate gathering and performance space and hosting open mics. Now, she works in the Performance Team curating the performance programme for the festival, scheduling the cabaret and spoken word nights and liaising with the artists.
Outside of Queer Spirit, Kate is a creative arts facilitator, puppeteer, van dweller, co-operative community builder and lover of sharing food.
Always finding new ways to create, connect and build communities, Queer Spirit has become a place that Kate can return to self each year to feel seen, inspired and replenished.
Miqhx [Founder & Campaigns]
Miqhx has worked as a drama teacher, psychiatric nurse and housing support worker as well as being part of a co-operative working with wholefoods, radical books and community arts.
He is active within Albion Faeries, Helios charity in London, where he he co-ordinated the Healer Training School and specializes in JinShin Do. This has roots in ancient daoist practice incorporating Ericksonian techniques with elements of Wilhelm Reich and developed by Iona Marsaa Teegarden.
Miqhx started practising meditation in the 1970's and qi gong since 1984 and started healer and psychic development with Maisie Besant in 1978.
Parsnip [Village hall]
Parsnip is a loving spirit ready to welcome you in the Village Hall!
They have been involved in queer activism, workshop building and barefoot nomadism in the last decade but now prefers to hone their energetic skills, devotional spirituality and hand crafts in the countryside.
A proud 12 step Fellow, they aim to empower others who struggle with issues of compulsivity in their sexuality.
Peter Pan [Stewards Co-Creator]
I did the NVQ training to steward at the first Queer Spirit Festival back in 2016. I ended up getting a place at Rehab so didn’t end up actually undertaking the role.
On the back of the training however I got to steward 3 times at Glastonbury Festival in the Arcadia Arena and went on to Steward at many events for many different organisations. I stewarded at the 2nd Queer Spirit Festival in 2017, Co-lead the stewards at the 3rd in 2019 and flew solo in the role last year, the first time I’ve ever had such a responsible position in my life. I learnt many things and am so so grateful to have had this opportunity for the personal growth that has come out of it.
This year I am sharing the role so I can enjoy the festival as well as helping to oversee the stewarding.
My involvement with Queer Spirit Festival has helped to keep me off the path of destruction I was on pre 2016 and I will be eternally grateful to those who initially manifested this wonderful event and also those who continue to help keep it alive. I believe it is so needed at this point in our collective human evolution.
Qweaver [Village Hall & Energy Circle]
I’m a queer, non-binary, magical being. How wonderful to be able to say that out loud! Since the 90s I’ve been active in LGBTQ+ support and community-making, through groups like London Friend, Edward Carpenter Community, Radical Faeries of Albion and Loving Men +. In faeries I was part of the early visioning that helped birth Queer Spirit Festival, something that fills me with gratitude and joy as I see the festival grow and collective consciousness rising.
I’ve run many workshops and activities in queer and festival spaces over a number of years to empower people and community. I believe we queer people are, by nature, magical beings but, in many cases, have moved away or turned away from this understanding. For this reason I’ve become more engaged in creating rituals, ceremonies and events which seek to guide people closer to their magic. I hold magic-themed retreats as a way to step deeper into presence and connectedness. For individuals, I offer myself as a guide, helping navigate a path to lifefullness.
Please check out my page for more https://lifelovecoaching.wordpress.com
I’m a poet and performer, viewing my writing as a radical act and encouragement for all to be our unique, glorious selves. I love the way spoken word helps us rebuild vital collective skills, listening, being with difference, empathy. For those magically-tuned it won’t surprise you there is a strand of channeled writing across all my books.
When we show
our love proudly, don’t lock it up behind walls,
it’s wild enough to set the world ablaze.
Every stranger suddenly lit up
we see to be no stranger at all.
For the fear that grows in the spaces between
dies back like the weed it is as those spaces
disappear. And we are love, completely.
From Loves Burn, 2020
I choose to deal with the commercial world as little as possible. So if you’d like to know more about my poetry and get one of my books please reach out to me, and check out https://www.facebook.com/kevinjacksonpoetry
I’m super excited about our festival and in awe of the dedicated people making it happen. We are a work in progress, striving to be more inclusive, more diverse, more connected. We are enough. We can be more. Year by year I want to see us become more inclusive, for people of colour, people with access needs, for women, for people who are refugees and asylum-seekers, for trans and non-binary people and for all other people less represented so far. I’m dedicating myself this year to finding practical ways for queer people who are refugees and asylum-seekers to be part of our festival. I want to challenge myself to do more to turn love into action. If you have any thoughts, ideas or contacts to share please get in touch at
With love, Qweaver
Shokti [Founder & Core team]
Shokti is a spiritual activist, involved in Radical Faerie gatherings around the world since 2001, a founder of Folleterre Faerie Sanctuary in France, the Albion Faerie community in the UK, and of Queer Spirit Festival. A smalltown boy from Suffolk, Shokti came out in 1986, aged 21, during the last year of his history studies at Churchill College, Cambridge, and soon rushed to London looking for love. In 1990 he was diagnosed HIV+ and he then awoke to the spiritual dimensions of life while living with full blown AIDS in the 1990s.
AIDS became for Shokti an' Accelerated Individual Discovery of Self' and an awakening to the hidden/lost/forgotten/ spiritual-mystical powers of same sex oriented and gender non-conforming people, that was once respected in earth-honouring cultures around the world. He writes about the spiritual inheritance of queer people and the importance of exploring and claiming our mystical power at rainbowmessenger.blog. and Shokti – Medium.
Sparkling Water [Healing garden]
I have had the privilege of running the healing area for Queer Spirit since it started and it has been exciting to see it grow.
I have been a holistic practitioner since 2007, touring the festival circuit during the summer and based in West London during the winter. I work at a diverse range of festivals, Glastonbury, Buddhafield, Boomtown to name but a few, offering individual sessions and teaching workshops.
My sessions are a blend of skills based on the client’s needs. My initial bodywork training was Thai Massage which I continue to deepen by studying with highly respect teachers from around the world and softened by moving towards the energetic and spiritual, studying Reiki, Tantra and Shamanism. I completed teacher training with Shivananda in India and Elemental School of Chi Kung in London and teach classes and one-one sessions.
Triskelion [Sacred Sexuality & Core Team]
Triskelion is a queer shamanic drum maker, healer, spiritual activist and educator. Working with the LGBTQIA+ community providing affirmative GSRD Counselling and mentorship programmes across Wales and England.
Triskelion is also an academic who is dedicated to untangling the dominant white colonialist narrative of race, sex, sexuality, and power relationships.
TrueParadox [Decor]
TrueParadox is the Decor Team Leader at Queer Spirit Festival, where they help bring a vibrant and creative vision to the festival’s aesthetic. They are passionate about transforming spaces into beautiful, inviting, and magical environments. As a facilitative, nurturing, and supportive force, TrueParadox is dedicated to facilitating a talented team of installation artists, decorators, and builders to create inspiring art installations and social spaces that invoke the spirit and diversity of the queer community.
TrueParadox’s journey with Queer Spirit Festival began in 2016 when they arrived at the first festival entirely disconnected from their queerness and queer spirit and ancestry. That transformative experience changed their life, igniting a deep commitment to being part of the festival and helping it grow ever since. TrueParadox is passionate about integrating their queerness with their Buddhist and philosophical learning, weaving these elements into a holistic spiritual practice. They are deeply committed to creating and supporting spaces where the queer community can come together, explore their spiritual language, and coalesce into a vibrant, culturally rich spirit.
Outside of this particular role, TrueParadox is dedicated to empowering people to connect with the Great Spirit and become conscious channels of life force, often referred to as god, the divine, the universe, great mystery and many more names spanning across the human world. They are passionate about being part of a movement that equips individuals with the skills and tools to connect directly with and feel one with Great Spirit, enabling them to consciously manifest their true selves and their unique contributions to the world, especially within a diverse queer community.