The Queer Spirit team has several decades combined experience in working in and creating festivals, workshops and other events in the LGBT+ area. We work to draw upon the knowledge and experience of others so as to create spaces that are amazing but also safe and held.

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Thank you to everyone for creating a wonderful space for all! 

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I had an amazing time at queer spirit. Would definitely return! 

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There is not a moment I would not was such a wonderful time... thank you all

Peter Pan

Peter Pan [Stewards Co-Creator]

I did the NVQ training to steward at the first Queer Spirit Festival back in 2016. I ended up getting a place at Rehab so didn’t end up actually undertaking the role.

On the back of the training however I got to steward 3 times at Glastonbury Festival in the Arcadia Arena and went on to Steward at many events for many different organisations. I stewarded at the 2nd Queer Spirit Festival in 2017, Co-lead the stewards at the 3rd in 2019 and flew solo in the role last year, the first time I’ve ever had such a responsible position in my life. I learnt many things and am so so grateful to have had this opportunity for the personal growth that has come out of it.

 This year I am sharing the role so I can enjoy the festival as well as helping to oversee the stewarding.

My involvement with Queer Spirit Festival has helped to keep me off the path of destruction I was on pre 2016 and I will be eternally grateful to those who initially manifested this wonderful event and also those who continue to help keep it alive. I believe it is so needed at this point in our collective human evolution.

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