"Transgender people have long been robbed of their own spiritual history, not knowing that there were once times and places where ours was considered a spiritual path in and of itself. This book explores both our spiritual history and our modern predicaments, shaping the outline of a contemporary spiritual path for those of us who don't fit into just one gender box. This revised and expanded edition of Hermaphrodeities features third gender myths, deities, personal and group exercises, community service project suggestions, rituals, and interviews with people from all over both the transgender spectrum. We are all sacred and it is time that the world knew it.” HERMAPHRODEITIES by RAVEN KALDERA
Documenting the connections between gender variance, homoeroticism and the sacred since the beginning of time, RANDY P CONNORr's epic study BLOSSOM OF BONE takes us on a journey from cave art and transgender priest/esses of the ancient Goddess through to the modern Radical Faerie manifestation, with stories and examples from around the globe.
Here a rich collection of such tales from India, telling tales such as that of a god transforming into a nymph to attract another god, of Kings who give birth, a prince who discovers on his wedding night that he is not a man, a princess who becomes man before she can avenge her humiliation. This book also examines the universality of queer themes with reference to Greek and Irish myth. THE MAN WHO WAS A WOMAN AND OTHER QUEER TALES FROM HINDU LORE by Devdutt Pattanaik
CASSELL'S QUEER MYTH SYMBOL AND SPIRIT is “an engaging encyclopedia that endeavors to bring to light the queer elements in a variety of spiritual traditions and in the arts. The coverage ranges from Islam to Shamanism to Queer Spirit. A short essay is provided about each spiritual tradition. Over 1500 articles cover individuals (historical and legendary), groups, and symbols. Entries are listed alphabetically and range from a sentence ("Andro") to six and a half pages ("Gallos").”
Bringing the story right up to modern times,GENDER AND TRANSGENDER IN MODERN PAGANISM edited by GINA POND came out of the controversial PantheaCon in 2011 when Queer Pagans challenged the prevailing hostility to anything transgender or gender variant.
Revealing that in Africa even today there is a powerful, spiritual tribe that recognises gay men as gatekeepers, lesbians as witches, and that the internal gender of a person is not necessarily the same as the outward physical expression, Sobonfu Some speaks about the importance of queer people for the health and well being of the whole tribe, describing our spiritual function and declaring how limiting it is for modern queers to be defined by their sexuality alone. SPIRIT OF INTIMACY by SOBONFU SOME
MY NEW GENDER WORKBOOK: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving World Peace Through Gender Anarchy and Sex Positivity is an update of KATE BORNSTEIN's 1997 classic of modern transgender theory “offering an accessible foundation for examining gender in the reader's life and in the broader culture while arguing for the dismantling of all forms of oppression” (Publisher's Weekly)
A HOSPITAL FOR THE SOUL is a personal Trans testimony from Adele Bright Daffodil revealing how the journey through gender transformation can be a fundamental step on the journey to Self discovery and Soul consciousness. Adele is promoter of TransSister club and a facilitator at Queer Spirit Festival.
ARCANE PERFECTION is a recently published collection of essays, poetry, art, rage, love, rituals, spells, and musings by, for, and about Queer, Trans, and Intersex Witches. Three of this year's Queer Spirit facilitators are featured in this book - Chryssy Hunter, Jeanne Devlin and Shokti.